This is an ice-breaker activity in which participants are asked to draw their migration journey from the decision of leaving their country until the moment they felt integrated in their host community. Participants can choose to share their journey with the group or not. This activity allows the participants to get to know each other and feel connected to each other by sharing common experiences and feelings.
There is no specific requirement for this tool, except papers and pens.
This activity should be carried out the first day when the participants meet each other. If possible, the facilitator of this activity must have experienced migration (no matter the reasons) to launch the discussion and make the participants feel well-at-ease to talk or to make decision not to talk. It’s important to give enough time to the participants to think and write/draw whatever comes to their mind. Before this activity, it’s better to have an informal moment, for the first contact (welcoming breakfast, for instance).
For the participants who have told or showed their story, they feel well-at-ease to talk within the group and be listened / understood. For the participants who haven’t told their story, they feel well-at-ease in the group and not forced to talk about them. By listening to others, they might identify themselves.
This tool is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.