21 Jun Hujian Zhou (Agié): owner of Ravioleria Sarpi
Entrepreneur in Milano, Italy
Coming from
The entrepreneurial idea in a sentence
Agié opened “Ravioleria Sarpi”, the first Chinese restaurant in Milan cooking only dumplings.
Advice for future migrant entrepreneurs
Agié advices future migrant entrepreneurs to be determined and not to be worried if they do not succeed at the beginning.
His migrant journey
His support network map
In the settlement, he was supported by some Italian and Chinese friends who advised him not to stop his studies when he had some issues and to attend university. He was also helped by his teachers in solving linguistic and integration problems.
In developing his business idea, he found support in a supplier and friend of his who suggested to Agié to start his business and to manage it. He also sponsored Agié at some gastronomic events in Milan. Agie’s family supported him financially.
His entrepreneur journey